Punctual Leadership Blog

06 Feb
Title and Real Property

Why EV Charging Station Developers Need A Property Title Report

by Punctual Abstract

As an EV Charging Station developer,  why do you need a property title report? It shows the history of a piece of property, including information about past ownership, liens, and any other claims or encumbrances on the property. It is typically ordered by a buyer or lender as part of the process of purchasing or financing a home, and it is also used in business property deals. When the property was examined in the planning stages of installing the EV charging, this title report would have revealed the problem with the neighbor and thus avoided it, deeming the property unsuitable. Title reports are recommended by experts for any kind of use of business property. You’ll save significant headaches by using this simple, low-cost service.

Punctual Abstract specializes in EV charging property title projects. It is a leading nationwide source for abstracts, title evidence, and comprehensive national title production services. Based in Harvey, LA, and celebrating 30 years in business, the company is your one point of contact for residential and commercial land title data and energy sector searches.

View sourced article HERE.

Contact Punctual Abstract today:  sales@punctualabstract.com